Heights of Health Finalist at the 2023 & 2024 Houston Chronicle's Best of the Best

Children and Anxiety! What To Do!

May 30, 2022
Children and Anxiety

According to a 2022 eye-opening article in The Wall Street Journal, a federal task force recommends, that on the heels of the pandemic, children as young as 8 should now be screened for anxiety. The statistics are staggering. Federal data show drug overdose deaths among adolescents nearly doubled in 2020 from a year earlier. The CDC report on youth mental health in the pandemic found that 20% of high school students seriously considered suicide. Houston, we have a problem!

Therapeutic interventions for kids are needed more than ever and the waitlists are long and overloaded. Please take heart. There are solutions.

At Heights of Health, we offer our Holistic Therapy services for children and adults. These unique services are not only research-based and highly effective but, are one-of-a-kind in their makeup.

Our program is comprised of 4 basic elements to ensure our therapists are addressing the whole person, mind-body-spirit. When the whole person is addressed from a root-cause approach, true lifelong transformation occurs.

  1. We utilize powerful, game-changing technologies to rewire the brain and nervous system to more permanently reside in the parasympathetic mode. This is the part of our autonomic nervous system that turns on a calm and balanced response.

  2. We systematically teach evidence-based tools, exercises, and what we like to think of as “life skills” for managing the stress response in the moment and as a daily habit and practice.

  3. We use muscle-response testing to analyze the client for the most resonant and high-quality supplement protocol. (Kids love this “party trick!”) The testing allows us to truly individualize a custom program that can have a profound effect on balancing neurohormones, increasing the feel-good neurotransmitters, and releasing toxins that may be interfering with our brain and body’s optimal functioning.

  4. Finally, our approach utilizes a highly unique piece in the therapeutic process: the ability to energetically release subconscious blocks and toxic emotions that may have been stuck in the body for years. Our therapists are trained in a proprietary modality called Mind Body Spirit Release™ (MBSR™) that helps to identify and release stored emotional trauma in the body.

And now to the really good news. If you or a loved one is on one of those daunting waitlists, we have just hired a new Holistic Therapist who will start taking clients on June 20th. Peyton English, LMSW is our new, highly trained therapist with a deep understanding of whole-person healing. If you’ve been a friend of Heights of Health for a while, you may have met Peyton working in different capacities. If you were lucky enough to have met her, you have certainly been graced by her gentle, empathic, and intuitive nature. Peyton will be seeing child and adult clients and even offers evening and weekend appointments. In the Fall, she will be rolling out group therapy for kids that will not only teach all of her powerful tools but will offer a natural context to help kids work on socialization and healthy peer-to-peer interactions. Call the clinic to make an appointment with Peyton; her schedule will certainly fill up as well.

Peyton will be joining Heather Goodwin, MA, HHP, our director of therapy services, for Stress Management classes for children and their adult family members. (Heather primarily sees clients virtually since she moved to Oregon.) During this in-person action-packed class, both parent/guardian and kids will learn how to manage their own stress responses. When families use these types of tools together, research shows that there is an actual synchronizing of the brain and hearts, creating a calmer household. Participants will walk away armed with a toolbox full of some of the tools mentioned above in our 4-prong approach. It is guaranteed to not only be empowering for the adults and children but will be loads of fun!

Class details: Join us for 2 fun-filled, half-day sessions while you synergize with your child. Sunday, 9/11/22, 9-12 pm (for guardians and kids 5-8 years) and 1-4 pm (for guardians and kids 9-12 years). Classes are $75 for one person and $60 for each if there are 2 or more. Early bird pricing (purchase by July 31st) is $65 per person, $50 per person if 2 or more attend.

Don’t miss our 15% off Specials for the month of June: L-Theanine, Mood Food ES, Ashwagandha with L-Theanine, ReZen, Gaba Plus, Calm Five. (All of these help with Anxiety; ask your Practitioner to learn what’s best for you.)