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Tips from Tracy… for Trauma Support

Aug 24, 2018
A tree

Trauma affects all of us in different ways and at different times in our lives.  It leaves a lasting impact on us physically, emotionally, and spiritually.   After a particularly difficult trauma such as the loss of a loved one or a natural disaster, it may take months or years to get back to normal.  Be patient with yourself and others after trauma.  We all process through it differently, and we all need support.  Here are some practical suggestions for supporting yourself physically during and after a trauma:

  1. When we are under stress, we burn a significant amount of magnesium. Magnesium is the calming mineral.  There is a specific type of magnesium called Magnesium Threonate that your brain uses to keep you calm, focused and sharp.  Scientists describe the action of this type of magnesium as “washing over trauma in the brain.” It is very helpful to calm the jumpiness and edgy feeling, as well as the brain fog, often felt post-trauma. OptiMag Neuro (on special Sept. 2018) is a great source of this.  We have also found it helpful for night terrors.

  2. Nature is amazingly healing. When we endure trauma, our body is flooded with free radicals causing inflammation and damage to our cells. Grounding – standing barefoot on the earth – is a great way to flood your body with negative ions which act as antioxidants to diminish inflammation and generally calm the mind and body.  30-40 minutes daily is a great start.  If you are unable to get outside (yes, it is still miserably hot out there), try using a grounding mat while you work (I bought mine at www.earthing.com).

  3. Trauma is an open door to the development of addictions. Neurotransmitters are imbalanced during and after stress and we tend to go to other sources to stimulate dopamine and serotonin.  This can be anything from sugar to alcohol to video games.  Being aware is the first step, but if you or a loved one are suffering from addictions, you might want to look into Appe-Curb (on special Sept. 2018) which helps balance neurotransmitters and the dopamine pathways.

  4. We keep hearing more and more about the miracles of CBD oil. Even drug companies are investing millions into studying it in their efforts to synthesize a drug that mimics its natural effects.  One of the great qualities of CBD oil is that it supports the calming endocannabinoid system in the brain that helps us deal with stress and anxiety.  It has been used very successfully with PTSD, anxiety, and depression. We love Mary’s Nutritionals (on special Sept. 2018) because it is organic, standardized and highly concentrated.  We recommend it for mood, sleep, pain relief, cancer prevention, and general health.

  5. And, don’t forget to breathe. When we are stressed or traumatized, we tend to just gasp little breaths from the tops of our lungs.  This keeps us in Fight or Flight, not allowing the body to really rest.  Work on taking deep belly breaths several times daily to let your mind and body calm down.  Set a timer on your phone if that helps. Just breathe!